Here's Why We Do What We Do

Preventative mental health support can help avert crises and save lives.

But people seeking help don’t know where to go. Worse still, mental health care is stigmatized: considered dreary, shameful, even dismissed outright.

HeadQuarters is Here to Help

We connect you to the right support, skills and tools… Before your mental health turns into a crisis situation. 

And we provide easy access to these resources, helping you regain your mental harmony, be resilient, and thrive, even in difficult times.

This is Your Path to Mental Fitness

And the journey there can be uplifting, positive, and even… fun!

Plus, there is no one way to get there—we want to ensure that you explore various modalities and resources, to discover what suits you best.

Where We Work

We connect you to the right support, skills and tools… Before your mental health turns into a crisis situation. 

Our Mental Fitness Toolbox and HeadQuiz tool are available to everyone, anywhere. 

Our Free Your Mind events and interactive programs, Mental Health Fund, and Mental Fitness Coaches are available to those living in the Roaring Fork Valley, and Colorado River Valley Corridor.

Want To Know More About Us?