mental health and wellness education


Dispatch from Earth

Sometimes living in a ski town can feel like being inside social media. Everybody’s got a story of how great things are: their big powder morning, the road trip to Moab, the party in Aspen. In this environment of fun and recreation—a wonderful one, for sure—it can be hard to answer the question: “How are you?” with anything but “Great.” But we’re not all great.

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Impact Stories

PaddyO’s Story

I believe that the soundtrack to a happy life is laughter, and that life and recovery are team sports. I am very proud to be a member of the HeadQuarters team and to help move our mission forward toward a hopeful future. And though my love affair with fancy, stinky cheese and savory, delicious, dried meats is virtually unmatched, this is by far the best board I’ve had a seat at.

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Power of Perspective

A mindfulness-based workshop where we will explore how everyday language we use with ourselves and others affects our worldview. You will be guided through a practice using three perspectives; negative,

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