Online Group: “Counter Cultural Response” for Men

In this group, men will discover greater power and freedom as they create a deeper understanding of their thoughts and beliefs. The group will work together with facilitator, Chad Webb, to develop wisdom and discernment for events and interactions that may have led to confusion, frustration, and anger. Chad Webb is pastoral counselor and life […]


Finding Fatherhood

Finding Fatherhood is a five-session therapeutic support and education group for expectant dads and fathers of children under 12 months of age. The group recognizes the process of becoming a […]

Event Series Developing Consciousness

Developing Consciousness

Aspen Chapel 77 Meadowood Drive, Aspen, CO

We can only understand things we are conscious of. Dogs hear more, and cats see more, so it makes sense that there is more. This eight-week course is about what that more might be. It is presented by Nicholas Vesey, minister at Aspen Chapel and is an introduction to spirituality from a mystical perspective drawing […]


Sacred Cinema: The Razor’s Edge

Aspen Chapel 77 Meadowood Drive, Aspen, CO

Aspen Chapel is launching a free ‘Sacred Cinema’ series running through October and November. Starting on Thursday October 10 th with Peter Brook’s on the life of Gurdjieff ‘Meetings with Remarkable men’, ‘Sacred Cinema’ will show 4 films on their big screen. Doors will open at 6.15pm. There will be refreshments and a discussion about […]