Still Me – Accepting Alzheimer’s without losing yourself

Aspen Chapel 77 Meadowood Drive, Aspen, CO

With Rebecca Chopp Saturday 31st August 10am-12pm ASPEN CHAPEL In Person and Live Streamed $25 Rebecca was the Chancellor of the University of Denver in 2019 when she was diagnosed […]


Online Group: “Counter Cultural Response” for Men

In this group, men will discover greater power and freedom as they create a deeper understanding of their thoughts and beliefs. The group will work together with facilitator, Chad Webb, to develop wisdom and discernment for events and interactions that may have led to confusion, frustration, and anger. Chad Webb is pastoral counselor and life […]


Mommy Matters – A Social Group for New Mom and their Babies

Support offered to new mothers and their babies through a twice monthly social gathering of moms and their "littles" from up and down the valley. This is a place to relax, have fun, ask questions, share struggles, learn about resources, and share in the journey of motherhood. Come connect and have authentic conversations! Located in […]