108 Intentions | Mala Journey

Join us for the powerful experience of setting intentions and infusing your very own handmade mala beads with your energy. We'll lead you through a beautiful guided meditation that is designed to release old energies and call in that which you are seeking. You will then be instructed and supported in creating your mala while […]

Fly Casting for the Soul

Join us as we use the process of fly casting as a tool for mindfulness. Fly casting is to fly fishing as archery is to bow hunting. It is a veritable art form whose cadence and repetitive nature has been likened to similar rhythmic processes used in therapy to promote positivity, calm and focus. Conducted on dryland, […]

Spring Equinox Sound Bath to Seed Sewing

Join us for a morning of honoring and celebrating the annual awakening of the spring equinox, timed to align with the first quarter waxing moon! The first half of the morning will be spent at the Launchpad in a sound bath, guided meditation and simple yoga routine. For the second half, we will gather on […]

$22 – $33